Sunday, March 15, 2009


Date: Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 12:27 PM

Dear Zuma Dogg

Thank you for the courage you have shown to the people of Los Angeles by your bid to be Mayor, I voted for you because in the years I seen you at the City Council, you stood your ground.

You are for the people and our Politicians are for their own agenda, so you had nobody to work with downtown. They are not ready for the truth and accountability to their constituents.

Our Mayor, Councilwoman Janice Hahn and their so called community leaders of Watts has pimped this community clean.

They work with the scum, that has held this community down for years, but as long as they are given the funds by the Mayor and Hahn, the community receive no benefits.

We had asked for a meeting with the Mayor in 2005, 06,07 and 08 with no response because we(seniors) are not part of the click. We are not wanted or asked to meetings because we speak out
against what is going on in Watts. Millions of dollars have been allotted for Watts since the 1965 riot, but we have nothing to show for it, accept Politicians and their click of people. How can these Non-profits in Watts buy so much property but quality of life for the people has not change,
these are the political back non-profit who is getting the funds.

You gave us courage to keep on fighting the Mayor and Hahn because someday and we hope it is soon, that the troth will come out about our Politicians in Los Angeles.


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